The request
Dialogis receives requests from all sorts of sectors to develop programs for improving communication within an organization or with its environment. For example, one particular organization asked Dialogis to support its trainees in order to further develop their communication and persuasion styles. Another organization required support for their project managers. Other organizations contact us to train their managers in how to carry out a one-on-one conversation with employees and thereby lower the rate of sick leaves. Training sessions in conversation techniques are also part of the introduction program for all new managers and project managers in an organization.
Our offer
The programs we developed take five to eight half-days. We frequently use an evening schedule to intensify the learning process. Participants are given the opportunity to practice various conversation techniques and to experience their effect. This shows them which conversation qualities they already possess and they are able to add new techniques to these. They learn to make room and to respect their own boundaries. They learn to give feedback with a focus on the relationship. In the training session they act in situations that they encounter in real life so that the acquired knowledge is applicable in practice immediately.
The effect
Participants have shown that they have gained more courage to carry out difficult discussions. They achieve their goals more easily, they are better at setting their limits and they are amazed that this even has an improved effect on cooperation. Quite often it stimulates the appetite for more! That's why a number of organizations have taken a 'subscription' to have us train their managers and supervisors each year.
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